Riga INT 18-19.03
28.3.2017Kotka 2 x puppy shows 13-14.05
15.5.2017One more picture from yesterdays Tampere international dogshow 😉
Jazz (JWW-16 Soletrader Just Jazz) wins Reserve Best in Group, Best of Breed, CC -> New Finnish & Latvian Champion & Cacib. She received the last CC at first possible show!
Breed judge: José Homem De Mello, Portugal
Group judge: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen, Finland
Breed judge José Homem De Mello gave a wonderful critique to Jazz:
”Beautiful feminine head. Excellent ears with very nice texture. Deep chest. Excellent front. Nice topline. Nice tailset. Beautiful rear angulations. Moves with drive and happiness. Excellent reach”.
Thank you judges for thinking so highly of her!