Arwen wins BEST IN GROUP @ first all breeds puppy show
Lumi new Copenhagen Winner & Copenhagen Junior Winner!
Jazz (Soletrader Just Jazz) BOB and Reserve Best in Group @ all breeds show in Helsinki!
Arwen (After Me All Rights Reserved) BB-2 after her mum and first CC with a nice critique from the judge!
”Excellent type, size and proportions. Still a bit light head. Well inward turned ears. Good neck and topline. Proper chest, good legs. Good angulations. Good coat and tail carriage. Moves soundly.” – Reino Korpela
Thank you judges Reino Korpela (breed) and Gitte Finnich Pedersen (group)!
Lumi (After Me A Piece Of Heaven) got two German CC’s, one BEST OF BREED win and one Best Of Opposite with Jette!