Ricky is #7 All Breeds Dog Of The Year 2013 in Finland!
He came he saw he conquered! One weekend three different Winner shows – Ricky BEST IN SHOW, BIS-2 and BIS-3!!
17.12.201316.-17.11.2013 Jyväskylä international dogshow
Breed judge: Mr. Dan Ericsson, Sweden
Group judge: Mr. Carlors Renaud Fernandez, Spain
BIS judge: Carla Molinari, Portugal
Ricky did something amazing, he won Best In Show 2 at the huuuge Jyväskylä dogshow with over 5100 entries!
Breed judges comments (free translation): ”High quality male with wonderful style. Perfect proportions. Nice head. Good front. Excellent body & back. Presented in first class condition. Wonderful movements” Dan Ericsson 16.11.2013
Thank you judges who made this possible! And thank you Petri Örling and Mikko Marttinen for these wonderful pictures above!